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Precious Stones and Our Health

Precious Stones and Our Health

Precious Stones and Our Health

Yoga Nation
Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 | Mar 10, 2021

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The first writings about the mystical effects of precious stones date from the period of ancient Egypt. Some of these writings transposed encrypted by Egyptian magicians on papyri are still preserved in various places.

Recent research in the field of crystals and precious stones has confirmed their effects, but could not provide unanimously accepted logical explanations.

One of the esoteric explanations would be that the precious stones stored in their crystalline structure the ancestral energy from the time of their formation and birth in the depths of the earth which they diffuse outwards with a certain subtle frequency of their own, corresponding to their crystalline structure.

Experimentally, it has been proven that jewelry made of stones and precious metals has not only an aesthetic role, but also a healing one. If we know how to choose them, precious stones can transform our lives.

Some of us at one point had the impression that some jewelry generates a state of well-being, while others, even if they are attractive, generate a slightly unpleasant, seemingly inexplicable state.

Specialists claim that the stones and crystals we wear directly on the skin, or mounted in jewelry of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals influence our general mental and physical condition.

Each stone generates certain effects on the body characteristic of its own frequency of vibrations of their crystalline structure.

It is recommended that gemstones and crystals that are transmitted from one wearer to another must be "purified" of negative energies that may eventually subsist in its energy field due to previous impregnations. The places where it was, the people who used it, the events that took place around each gemstone are imprinted in its energy field and not all these impregnations are positive, beneficial.

A good specialist in crystal therapy can indicate the condition we suffer from, studying the color of the stone we wear. He will also suggest the most suitable stones or crystals for treating these health problems. For example, the ruby or coral loses its luster and color if the person wearing it is anemic; likewise, turquoise fades if its owner is in poor physical or mental condition.

Choosing the right stone

If we want to choose a gemstone that has a beneficial effect on us, we must take into account some essential aspects. Ancient esoteric science tells us that we are not the ones who choose our stone, but the stone chooses us. Thus, it is good to choose the stone or crystal that causes us a certain attraction, that fascinates us.

If we liked a certain stone at first sight or it inexplicably attracted us, it means that it is the stone that suits us. When we hold that stone in our hand, we can perceive its subtle energetic charge, feeling a state of well-being and contentment.

We also need to ask for some additional guidance on how to process the stone. Thus, it is good to avoid irradiated stones. Irradiation is a technological process that eliminates the imperfections of precious stones. The process is applied especially for aquamarine, topaz, emerald and diamond. Artificial coloring is another process that changes the energy strength of stones.

In addition, fake stones should be avoided, as they do not have a subtle beneficial energy charge. Thus, it is useful to verify the authenticity of the desired stones or crystals.

Purification of stones and crystals

After purchase, the stone or crystal must be purified from any negative energies. These energies often come from the people who carried it or touched it before us.

In crystal therapy, stones and crystals are frequently purified to maximize their characteristic beneficial energy and eliminate any negative energies.

In crystal therapy, it is said that each stone or crystal is an entity that absorbs, but also emanates the energies of the one who uses it.

There are several methods for purifying crystals

One method would be to leave the crystal in the sun or moonlight outdoors for a day. It is recommended to place the stone or crystal next to a plant, the process of energy purification will be more intense.

In the case of small stones or crystals, they can be placed in a quartz or amethyst container, which has been previously washed with rainwater.

Another method is to wash stones or crystals with clean water.

Thus, keep the stones or crystals under a stream of cold water for 10 minutes, and then place in sea water or in a container with a solution of salt water for 12 hours. The salt water solution can also be obtained by adding sea salt in a container with clean water until a salinity of 3.5% is obtained.

Increasing the energy power of stones and crystals

The sun is the best source of energy intensification, especially at sunrise. For this we will leave the stone for a few hours in the sunlight.

In order to keep their healing energies, the crystals and stones must be kept away from each other and not touched by other people.

How to use

In crystal therapy, crystals and stones of various colors are placed on the body like a map, above certain areas of projection of subtle centers of force or chakra. When we act simultaneously on these chakras, the body balances and its functions tend to normalize.

For some conditions (usually severe or chronic), the treatment is somewhat more complex. In treating minor ailments, we can use the help of precious stones and crystals, which are placed on the chakra or chakras that cause the disappearance of the disease. Each chakra corresponds to certain stones or crystals.

Wearing stones in the form of a necklace, bracelet, ring or simply directly on the skin can help us a lot both mentally and physically.

Stones and their healing qualities

Red stones (coral, ruby, blood stone, etc.) are used to treat anemia, diseases caused by poor circulation, and to treat depression.

Green stones (emerald, green tourmaline, malachite, jasper, agate, etc.) treat nervous system dysfunction and have a calming effect.

Blue stones (sapphire, lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine) soothe, balance and treat sore throats, inflammation and internal bleeding.

Yellow stones (topaz, citrine, amber, etc.) tone the nervous system, treat diseases of the stomach and liver.



Aquamarine is said to induce mental clarity, power of emotional mastery, inspiration. It is recommended for those who are going through emotional problems.

The stone is said to help with digestive, eye, and teeth problems.

Aquamarine is said to be a positive force that can bring happiness to its wearer and help cope with the grieving process.

Aquamarine is said to promote healing energy, reduces the fear of water, and can even bring a wayward lover back.



Amber (fossilized resin) is said to protect against stress, soothe and improve mental concentration. It is indicated for lung diseases, memory problems and states of anxiety or frustration.

Amber helps treat headaches and stress,

Amber is said to promote cleansing and purification, which may help to bring illnesses out of the body.



Amethyst is said to be a very good transmitter of thoughts or intentions, and for this reason it is very useful in yoga practice and Reiki healing techniques.

The stone helps to be aware of a defect or a mistake. It is favorable in love and inspires good mood.

The amethyst can help promote healing. It’s a soothing stone with peaceful properties, with a quiet energy that should also help release creativity.

The amethyst helps in case of anxiety, mood disorders and addictions

It can be placed on the stomach or liver in cases of pain.



Azurite is said to help in the processes of meditation and spiritual healing. The stone amplifies a person's energy potential.

For this reason, azurite is said to be very useful in yoga practice and Reiki healing techniques.

Azurite is said to bring good luck in travel and protects the future mother during pregnancy.



Beryl is said to relieve intestinal disorders and speed up the healing of ulcers. It is a good sedative and regulates blood circulation.



Citrine is said to accelerate wound healing. Unlocks airways and internal organs. It gives physical strength and determination. It is also recommended for those who want to give up drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Citrine is said to promote emotional well-being and increase positive energy.

Citrine is said to help with hearing difficulties, digestive ailments, sleep problems, and pain and inflammation management.

Rock crystal

Rock crystal

The rock crystal is said to act as a catalyst and conductor of energy. It is a strong ally in alternative therapies. When worn on the skin, it balances the body's energy flow, amplifying the effects of other stones used.

Blue quartz

Blue quartz

Blue quartz is said to purify both mentally and physically. The stone is useful in cases of intoxication, addiction to coffee, cigarettes or drugs. Helps calm and stimulates creativity.

Pure quartz

Pure quartz

Pure quartz is said to be good to wear when we know we are going to be in the company of people who emanate negative thoughts or evil. The crystal amplifies the power of persuasion, cures liver dysfunction and regulates intestinal transit.

Red / pink quartz

Red / pink quartz

Red / pink quartz is said to drive away suspicion and mistrust.

The stone is said to give courage and determination, especially in love, being recommended to shy people.

Red / pink quartz is said to amplify the wearer's charm and magnetism. Increases sexual appetite. Rose quartz is said to help heal heartaches.

The rose quartz seems to have a soothing, gentle energy that can calm an agitated wearer.

Wearing it as a pendant around your neck helps to close emotional wounds, promote self-love and keep an open heart for positive relationships.

Green quartz

Green quartz

Green quartz is said to induce mental clarity, power of suggestion and concentration, promote meditation. For this reason it is recommended to be used in yoga practice.



The diamond is said to create a strong force field, which protects from negative external influences.

In general, it helps us get over emotional blockages, balances nervous tensions, helps eliminate toxins from the body.

In particular, it brings good luck to money and promotes popularity.



Fluorite is recommended for all those who suffer from rheumatic diseases, arthritis or various types of sclerosis. The stone strengthens the joints.



Garnet is said to energize wearers. Wear garnet to give your whole system a boost, revitalize your body, and promote your emotional well-being by boosting your confidence.

Garnet is said to protect from evildoers or bad karma.



Hematite is said to regulate blood pressure and help heal wounds. It intervenes favorably in the respiratory process and helps to regenerate tissues. Thanks to the vitality it releases, it can be successfully worn by people in convalescence.



Jade is said to be indicated in cases of anemia or stress.

The beautiful green gem strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of toxins.

Consequently, jade is a great ally for people suffering with chronic illnesses. Being associated with the heart chakra, jade is useful to ameliorate stress and anxiety.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is said to positively influence the spiritual power of the being and intuition. Releases mental blockages and banishes negativity. It is a crystal with the strongest therapeutic effects.

Lapis Lazuli is said to make organs, bones and muscles stronger.

Lapis Lazuli is said to give more peace and positivity and better mental endurance in general.


Malachite is said to intervene favorably in the learning process and increases the power of concentration. It is believed to be directly related to the cerebral hemispheres, which it influences depending on the area of the body on which it is applied (it is recommended to be worn on the forehead). For this reason it is recommended to use it in yoga practice.



Opal is said to protect and bring good luck in love. It is a strong intellectual stimulant and helps in the creative process. The stone help to get rid of stress. It has a beneficial effect on newborns, due to the positive energy emanated. Give courage and confidence, drive away nightmares.



Moonstone should be worn especially by women. Moonstone has fertilizing and aphrodisiac qualities. The stone favors the design process. Facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.

Moonstone is beneficial in kidney function and hormonal balance. Moonstone helps to alleviate anxiety, depression, insomnia, and to promote creativity.

Travelers have used this gemstone as a protective talisman. Moonstone helps the wearers achieve balance. Moonstone is said to help combat the ailments of both old age and childhood.



Pearls are said to balance the entire body and create positive, happy feelings within the wearer. Pearls are said to help treating ailing digestive systems, fertility issues, and heart problems. Pearl powder is used in makeup to achieve a glowing complexion.



Pyrite is said to drive away anxiety and regulate digestive transit. Pyrite helps regenerate hair.

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions. The ancient Incas used Pyrite for meditation and divination.



Ruby is said to relieve and even cure heart disease. Energizes and vitalizes, restoring the lust for life. For these reasons it is useful in Reiki healing techniques.

It is especially recommended for the elderly.

The stone gives confidence to those with leadership positions or people who want to assert themselves.



Sapphire is said to intervene favorably in hormonal processes and balances glandular activity. The stone is said to drive away and soothe pain, especially in the middle and heart.

Sapphire is said to stimulate clairvoyance, telepathy and improve the wearer's image. Worn at night, the sapphire gives beautiful dreams.



The emerald is said to bring harmony to the couple. The stone improves sexual life and relationships with loved ones.

Emerald is good in any exercise of meditation and search for inner balance, and for this reason it is useful in the practice of yoga.



Tourmaline is said to help improve oxygenation of the brain, which helps your blood circulation.

The semi-precious stone that comes in rainbow colors is great when your body is in dire need of a detoxification.

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