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Restorative Yoga As A Stress Reduction Technique

Restorative Yoga As A Stress Reduction Technique

You don't have to let your money run out just because you live in a fast-paced, chaotic environment. You don't have to be depressed or worried about politics, the economy, or even everyday conflicts.

Mario Colwell
May 26, 2021

Table of Contents

Do you have a lot of tension in your life? I've been in your shoes, and I can promise you that it doesn't have to be that way.

You don't have to let your money run out just because you live in a fast-paced, chaotic environment. You don't have to be depressed or worried about politics, the economy, or even everyday conflicts.

In this article, I'd like to share a stress-relieving tool with you, one that will wash away your worries and help you relax your body, mind, and spirit.

This is restorative yoga. All forms of yoga will help you reduce the cortisol levels (your body's stress hormone). On the other hand, Restorative yoga has its own set of benefits, and I'll show you three of the most effective poses you can incorporate into your everyday routine to keep yourself healthy, relaxed, and happy.

The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

This unique style of yoga aids in the creation of the perfect atmosphere for the "Rest and Digest" part of your nervous system to activate. The aim of restorative yoga is to make the body feel at ease and calm. It's a chance for the body to enter a relaxed state.

Many of the benefits of restorative yoga can be achieved by adding it into your everyday routine.

  • Muscle pain has decreased.
  • Digestion has improved.
  • Improved sleep quality and less exhaustion.
  • Blood flow and heart function are improved.
  • Increased efficiency of the immune system
  • Breathing, heart rate, and brain waves all slow down as a result of this.
  • You'll be able to cure your mind, body, and soul more effectively as well.

Let's look at some of the harmful consequences stress can have on your body if you don't learn to control it. 

The Effects of Stress on the Human Body

I'm sure you're aware of the many ways tension can interfere with your everyday schedule, but let's have a look at some of the signs and symptoms that can accompany anxiety and worry.


If you have a disturbed stomach, you can have diarrhea, constipation, or both. As a result of your skin problems, some of your teen acne could reappear. Due to a compromised immune system, the sniffling nose and chronic cough can appear to last an eternity.

If you suffer from chronic pain and exhaustion, you can feel as if you need to sleep constantly.

Emotional and Mental Distress: The mood starts to deteriorate as the signs of depression and anxiety become more common. Chronic Illness: If you're under a lot of tension for a long time, you're more likely to have life-threatening illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

Needless to mention, I don't think either of us want to put our bodies under such physical and mental strain.

But that's what there is to it in terms of disadvantages. Let's look at what differentiates restorative yoga from other types of yoga now that you know how detrimental tension can be and how helpful restorative yoga can be. You'll be free to bring things into action on your own after that! 

What is Restorative Yoga and what distinguishes it from other types of yoga?

Most people associate yoga with stretching, working out, or learning to balance on their heads. Restorative yoga, on the other hand, is not dependent on specific exercises.

Restorative yoga encourages you to just be with yourself while still opening and enjoying your body. With sheets, bolsters (large yoga pillows), supports, and belts, restorative yoga helps you to protect the body while in each pose.

You don't have to move; just relax fully into the warmth of your props while stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system.

restorative yoga

Yes, you're absolutely right. There will be no planks, warrior poses, sweating, or out-of-breath postures here; only completely supported postures to help you ground your body and calm your mind.

The below are the areas where restorative yoga focuses:

  • Relaxation of the muscles.
  • Techniques for breathing as well.
  • Also, the desire to be aware of what is going on right now.

Muscle relaxation is the first priority, and it is one of the most critical facets of yoga that other forms ignore. When you allow yourself to relieve the tension in your body and feel fully grounded on the earth, a feeling of calm begins to wash away the stress.

A relaxed Root Chakra gives you a sense of security, allowing you to relax and let go of tension in your body. Because of this, restorative yoga is an effective tool for stress relief.

Are you ready to take a chance to do it? 

In Yoga, there are a range of poses that can be used to rejuvenate the body

Here are three of my favorite yoga asanas (postures) to help you cope with the tension you're dealing with. Slowing down, releasing tension, and fully calming the body are all possible with these restorative yoga poses.

Before you begin, gather a few pillows, blocks, and at least two blankets to stabilize your body and allow your muscles to soften.

If you're exhausted or just need to unwind your body and mind after a busy day, try the following postures. Try to spend at least three minutes on each one to get the most out of it.

The goal is to find a way to de-stress. Concentrate on your breathing for a few moments.

Allow yourself to be interrupted only by a conversation you had earlier in the day or your to-do list for the next day.

Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Find a peaceful place where you won't be interrupted and a calming spot where you can inspire yourself to find inner calm after you've collected your props. 

Supported Child’s Pose

Begin by standing on the ground and making sure that all of your props are easily accessible. You'll need them in just a second. Bring your big toes together while you sit down on your heels. If this puts too much pressure on your feet, tuck a folded blanket between your thighs and calves.

child pose

Allow as much space between your thighs as possible for your legs, and begin stacking pillows and blankets between your thighs. You're laying down a gentle platform on which you can relax your upper body without exerting any muscle effort.

You should lower the chest toward the props. Simply relax, allowing yourself to dissolve into the warmth of the soil and the softness of the props under you, take a deep breath into your back body, and gently close your eyes. Allow the pose to soothe your mind and relieve whatever stress or discomfort you've been feeling during the day.

After giving it a shot, you'll discover that this posture is ideal for stimulating your nervous system's "rest and digest" answer. It may even help those who are recovering from back or neck pain find relaxation.

Simply make sure your posture is fully relaxed; otherwise, your mind will become agitated, drawing your attention away from relaxation. Once you've allowed your mind and body to continue to calm down, go on to the next pose. 

Spinal Twist

Start by lying flat on your back, with your blanket and pillows close by. Wrap your arms around both knees and hug them close to your face. Then, in a “T” pose, extend your arms out to the side.

spinal twist

On an exhale, drop your knees to the right side of your body, allowing them to rest on a prop. You should put a blanket, pillows, or something else that looks comfortable under your feet. To get the most out of the pose, make sure your knees are flat on the ground and your thighs are slid to the left.

All you have to do now is relax, let your knees get tired, and lean onto the embrace of the props beside you if you've gotten comfortable. Allow your eyelids to flutter shut while the left side of the body fills with breath.

Enable the pain in your shoulders, hips, and neck to dissipate, allowing you to relax your whole body. Hold this position for three minutes before moving to the left with your knees and props.

Twists are particularly useful in the circumstances mentioned below:

  • Improvements in digestion.
  • Getting rid of back pain.
  • Stress and anxiety can be reduced.
  • Detoxification of the body is a process that involves the removal of toxins from the body

Check to see if you are in any discomfort. To achieve a supportive posture for your body, use as many pillows and blankets as possible. When you've finished all sides of your knot, it's time for some final rest. 

Supported Final Resting Pose (Savasana)

This is the pose that you will do at the end of each yoga lesson. It's the one everyone is looking forward to the most. It's incredibly easy, but it's incredibly calming and healing.

This posture has helped me find calm even on the busiest of days.

final resting pose

Is it possible for you to enter this state of total relaxation? Place your arms at your sides and lie flat on your stomach. There should be at least two covers, a pillow or pad, and two blocks (or props that can be used as blocks) nearby.

Enable your knees to rest on top of your cushion, which should be placed directly under the curve in your knees. To have a place for each foot to rest, place a block or other sturdy prop underneath it.

Fold one of your blankets and place it under your ribcage to gently open the neck. Using the other blanket to have insulation underneath the shoulders. Allow your arms to hang at your feet, palms up, for a comfortable position.

Close your eyes and take a deep inhale through your nose, followed by a deep exhalation through your lips. Enable your back, feet, limbs, and legs to feel heavy as you begin to calm your body. Both of your energies should be poured into the service of your props and the world.

The following are some of the benefits of practicing this pose:

  • Your restless thoughts will begin to calm down.
  • Many of these problems should be minimized, like stress, depression, and anxiety.
  • It will help with fatigue, headaches, and even insomnia.
  • Lowering your blood pressure is an excellent way to improve your health.

If you're able to experience a deeper calm, a sense of ease, and a blissful state of relaxation, take some time to allow your body to enjoy the warmth of restorative yoga.

Mario Colwell | Mario is a Vancouver-based trauma-conscious Yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner. Self Love & Mindfulness.



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